The Scaleup Report

About Our Partners & Contributors


The Global Entrepreneurship Network operates a platform of projects and programs in 180+ countries aimed at making it easier for anyone, anywhere to start and scale a business. By fostering deeper cross-border collaboration and initiatives between entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, policymakers, and entrepreneurial support organizations, GEN works to fuel healthier start- and scale-ecosystems that create more jobs, educate individuals, accelerate innovation, and strengthen economic growth. GEN’s comprehensive global footprint of national operations and global verticals in policy, research, and programs ensures members have uncommon access to the most relevant knowledge, networks, communities, and programs relative to size of economy, maturity of ecosystem, language, culture, geography, and A platform of academic experts and practitioners in Europe formore.


The foremost data provider on startups, growth companies, and tech ecosystems globally. works with many of the world’s most prominent investors, entrepreneurs and government organizations to provide transparency, analysis and insights on startups and venture capital activity.


A platform of academic experts and practitioners in Europe for scaleups, high-growth firms, governmental organizations and policymakers to address the scaleup gap. The European Scaleup Institute is a collaboration between leading academic experts in Europe including Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship & Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Netherlands; ESADE Business School, Spain; ESSEC Business School, France; Luiss Business School, Italy; NOVA Business School, Portugal; University of Galway, Ireland; Vlerick Business School, Belgium; and WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany. ESI is a content partner of The Scaleup Report by contributing insights into the state of Deep Tech scaleups in Europe.