GSER 2024 Launching June 10 at London Tech Week

The world’s most comprehensive research on startups, with data from over four and a half million companies across 300+ ecosystems.

The Global Startup Ecosystem Report

About #GSER2024


Startup Genome’s Global Startup Ecosystem Report (GSER 2024) is powered by the world’s most comprehensive and quality controlled dataset on startup ecosystems. Informed by research on 4.5 million startups across 300 global ecosystems, our data and insights are the product of over a decade of independent research and policy work.

The GSER 2024 ranks the Top 40 global ecosystems and includes a ranking of emerging ecosystems. The report, driven by a consortium of representatives from 40+ countries, looks at the current state of startup activity and related investment. It features rankings that indicate which global ecosystems are currently driving innovation.  

Startup communities are also examined from an expanded regional ranking in 2024, separately ranking ecosystems in Asia, Europe, Latin America, MENA, North America, Oceania, and sub-Saharan Africa.

In this year's report, we are excited to highlight the Azerbaijan, Ben Guerir, Copenhagen, Georgia, Indiana, Malta, Tokyo, and Yokohama ecosystems in feature articles. A special feature will discuss the power of events and their impact on Global Connectedness. We will also showcase AI in an exclusive article featuring industry leader Daniel Doll-Steinberg, Co-Founder and Partner at EdenBase. 

London Tech Week

The GSER 2024 will launch at London Tech Week on June 10 at 11:35 AM BST with a keynote by Stephan Kuester, Managing Partner of Startup Genome. 

The launch will be followed by a panel on "The Decentralization of Tech Success: Unveiling Startup Genome's 2024 Global Startup Ecosystem Report," with experts from the world's leading startup communities including Maya Noël, CEO of France Digitale; Vahan Agopyan, Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation of the state of São Paulo; and Norman Vanhaecke, Group CEO of Cradle Fund.

With over 90 countries represented, London Tech Week is where the global tech ecosystem intersects with the investment, innovation, and talent which calls the U.K. home. This year the event is expanding with a new venue at Olympia, new features, and a whole new experience.

Startup Genome will host the Ecosystem Leadership Forum, an exclusive gathering for 200+ global private and public policy leaders and ecosystem builders to engage in structured discussions and networking, on June 11 at 4:30 PM BST. As space is limited, apply to RSVP here to confirm your attendance.

Global Startup Ecosystem Report Launch Webinar

Join Stephan Kuester, Managing Partner of Startup Genome, and Jonathan Ortmans, President of Global Entrepreneurship Network, for a launch webinar presented by GEN on June 18 at 12 PM BST to learn about key findings of the GSER, get insights from senior ecosystem leaders, and have an opportunity for questions from the audience.

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