Startup Genome's Hypergrowth Forum - San Francisco

Startup Genome
on août 15, 2024

We are pleased to extend an invitation to join us at Startup Genome’s Hypergrowth Leadership Forum. Our Forums build bridges between global ecosystems with shared learnings—working together as one global community to ensure tech startups are a force for good everywhere. 

Our most recent forums held in London, Qatar, and Sweden built global connectedness and partnerships with technology, policy, and program leaders from all over the world. This upcoming special edition highlights Startup Genome’s Hypergrowth program.

Hypergrowth is a global initiative aimed at accelerating next-gen scaleups from emerging markets. We’d love for you to come out and learn more about the program and how you can get involved. You’ll meet some of Hypergrowth’s global partners, along with our curated network of Silicon Valley accomplished founders, executives, and investors that support our companies in various regions. Most importantly, you’ll have a chance to meet amazing tech scaleups from our world-leading Hypergrowth Programs in Abu Dhabi, Tokyo, Karnataka (Bangalore), Seoul, and Quebec.


  • 4:00 - 4:30 pm: Registration & Meet & Greet
  • Kick off the event by meeting fellow participants and start building valuable connections.

  • 4:30 - 4:45 pm: Welcome to Hypergrowth

    Learn about Startup Genome’s Hypergrowth program, its impact, and how you can get involved.

  • 4:45 - 5:30 pm: Panel Discussion: Insights and Challenges with International Startups Achieving Success in the U.S. Hear from:

    • A Silicon Valley investor prioritizing investments in global markets

    • An entrepreneur sharing their experiences of successfully expanding into the U.S. market

    • One of our mentors sharing their valuable experiences

    • A spotlight on three of our global cohort companies

  • 5:30 - 7:30 pm: Networking

    Connect with speakers, mentors, and some of the fastest-growing scaleups from Tokyo, Bangalore, Seoul, Abu Dhabi, and Quebec. Enjoy drinks and appetizers while building valuable relationships.

Speakers include:

Yash Hemaraj, Partner, BGV
Dany Papineau, CEO, WeChalet
Lina Sakai, CEO, Fermenstation
PK Kim, Co-Founder, Nu Eyne

Limited capacity - Apply to RSVP here

October 23rd from 4:00 - 7:00 pm

Menlo Park, California

If you have any questions, please contact Joanne Fedeyko, Head of Mentorship at SG Hypergrowth.

Contact Us

Our data shows that collaboration is at the core of the fastest growing startup ecosystems. We work with forward-looking organizations who understand that joining the global startup economy is key to to drive innovation and spur economic growth.