Beijing has active technology startups and a large number of unicorn companies, making it an important member of the global innovation network. Beijing's startup ecosystem faces new challenges that present new opportunities.

China's National Bureau of Statistics shows that China's GDP will grow by 5.2% year-on-year in 2023. With the country open for business after prolonged COVID-19 restrictions, Beijing’s vibrant technology and startup ecosystem is rebounding. In early 2024, The People’s Bank of China began allowing banks to hold smaller cash reserves, cutting the reserve requirement ratio by 50 basis points and allowing the release of $139.8 billion in long-term capital to boost the economy.
Beijing’s strong support for SMEs is a recurring theme in the government’s 14th Five Year Plan (2021-2025). Plans include increased investment in technology innovation, development of local talent, attracting foreign experts, and enhancing intellectual property protection laws. In September 2023, Beijing city authorities announced the Ten Measures for Unicorns policy, which will support technology unicorns worth at least $1 billion by fast-tracking IPO applications, providing financing up to $13.8 million, and offering long-term and low-cost financial support through venture capital agreements. Beijing Zhongguancun International Incubator provides support to overseas students returning to China to start their own businesses and incubation services for tech-based entrepreneurial teams.
The 16th China Smart City Conference took place in October 2023. Venture Capital Summit 2024 was held in April. The International Conference on Information Network and Computer Communications took place a month later. Unicorn internet technology company ByteDance has raised $9.5 billion over 12 rounds. Aerospace company Galactic Energy Aerospace Technology raised a December 2023 $155 million Series C round. Electric vehicle company DeepWay has raised $170 million over two rounds, most recently in March 2023.
Ecosystem by the Numbers
Sub-Sector Strengths
AI, Big Data & Analytics
Beijing has an estimated 1,048 major AI companies, approximately 29% of the national total. The city has more than 40,000 professionals in core AI technologies. Autonomous driving tech startup HoloMatic raised $61.8 million over six rounds, most recently in July 2023. Industrial automation flexible gripping robot service provider Soft Robot Tech raised $35 million over three rounds, most recently in an August 2023 Series C. AI startup Infimind raised $27.8 million over four rounds, including a November 2023 Series B round.
Beijing topped the ranking of 50 cities around the globe for the fifth time in the Global Fintech Hub Report 2023. Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance and Tsinghua University National Institute of Financial Research co-organize the annual China Financial Research Conference with the ultimate goal of encouraging financial innovation in China. The FinTech World Forum took place here in April 2023. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) Fintech Development Plan for 2022–2025 seeks to further develop China’s Fintech sector and drive the digital transformation of finance in the country.
Life Sciences
Beijing has three Life Sciences clusters: Zhongguancun Life Sciences Park, China Bio-medicine Park, and Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area. Sinovac Biotech is constructing a new vaccine quality research center and a new biomedical imaging facility was unveiled in Huairou Science City. Drug innovator Sinotau raised $282 million over five rounds, including a July 2023 Series E. Biomanufacturer Blupha raised $282 million over seven rounds, including a February 2023 Series B. The Zhongguancun World-Leading Science and Technology Park Construction Plan (2024-2027)” will support building a pharmaceutical and health industry cluster.
Reasons to Move Your Startup to Beijing
Tech Talent
In June 2023, The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched a campaign to provide 10 million+ job opportunities for college graduates with targeted job fairs for key industries such as IT and Advanced Manufacturing. In 2023, China had a record high 11.58 million fresh college graduates. In 2022-2023, there were 160,800 graduate students (including Masters and Doctoral students) in Beijing.
Access to Funding
The Research Fund for International Scientists supports international scientists with foreign citizenship who conduct basic research in China and aims to encourage collaboration and exchange between Chinese and international scientists. In 2023, the Beijing government launched a plan to build a science and technology innovation service system within five years for financial startup support.
Infrastructure for Advanced Research
The Beijing International Data Exchange platform incorporates 333 data-trading entities controlling 773 million transactions. The Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone will expand to cover 193 square miles. The Construction Project Smart Supervision Platform pilot computing and design system covers 10.76 million square feet. The China High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source project entered the equipment debugging stage.
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